12 March 2018 6 148 Report

The question is upon the manipulation of micro particles (of size perhaps ranging from several microns to hundred of microns). We may desire to trap or capture a micro particle (dielectric, opaque or organic materials) and control its three-dimensional location in air/ or manipulate the particle to move along a certain 3D trajectory in relatively high speed (perhaps about 0.1m/s to 1m/s) in ambient air.

Is there any possible/ reliable approaches?

I was wondering if using optical vortices (laser beams of orbital angular momentum OAM in the manner of optical tweezers) is feasible? It seems that currently, they were limited in the manipulations of nanoparticles in a 2D plane and could not support 3D spatial moving big particle of high speed in the air?

I was wondering if some other potential morphologies such as photophoretic trapping with optical bottle beams, thermophoresis or other method can work better?


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