How to convert a dataset which has two items-image and label , where image is depicted with a list of image names such as '12_left',12_right' and so on, and labels such as 0,1,2,3,4? Tensorflow already has certain datasets, or the built-in input pipeline but what about datasets which are not present ?? What could be done to convert such a dataset into tensor, so as to avoid shape incompatibility value error and logits and labels error?
Categorical has been implemented using Keras, accuracy was changed to Accuracy/SparseCategoricalAccuracy, categorical was implemented and even SparseCategoricalCrossEntropy was also used as well. I am still having some errors and realized this conversion may be helpful. While troubleshooting, all I found tensorflow has datasets such as CIFAR-10, MNIST etc. already inbuilt and converted to tensors. But what about image datasets which are not present and not converted to tensors? How to convert them to tensors?
Please help!