Hi! I´m receiving the control error from a plant in an adpative system. In the context of my research, the control error is observed as a random sequence which its value depends on the parameters estimated the time before (so the parametric error is also a random sequence). The goal is to make the error behave as a desired distribution, so I need to create a decision mechanism which works with random variables and returns a deterministic answer to be used on the plant.
To achieve this, I considered necessary to compare the objective distribution with one generated with the fist N samples of control error (which by now has one dimension). In this context: do you that using Wasserstein metric can get info about the mean, and usin KL divergence I can have an idea of which distribution is better?Could it be considered as the performance index of my adaptive system?
I really appreciate and thank some guidance and suggestions about this idea. Have a good day!