I am using the UTAUT2 model in my study. One of the reviewers of my research paper has conveyed that Harman’s one-factor test is strictly discouraged for common method variance / CMB. I have gone through the video of Prof. Gaskin using the marker variable. However, my study does not employ a “marker” variable and hence this cannot be achieved in my study.

I have gone through some of the seminal papers in which the recommended approach is summarized as follows:

1. Using a priori procedural remedies to deal with CMB

a. Single respondent and single-source biases

b. Questionnaire biases

2. Using post hoc methods to test CMB using partial correlation procedures

a. Using the assumed source of method variance (e.g. social desirability)

b. Using the marker variable (I.e. variables expected to be theoretically unrelated to at least one of the focal variables)

c. Estimate a general factor score by conducting EFA of all variables to calculate a scale score for the first (unrotated) factor and then partial out this effect by using the general factor score as a covariate.

It is also mentioned that the above approaches are based on assumptions that do not hold for many survey studies. Please suggest if there are any detailed write-ups (step-by-step procedures using SPSS/AMOS ) or videos related to using apriori and post hoc methods to test CMB.

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