What is the better way to impose cold /freezing stress to wheat plants. I need see the response of various antioxidants and ROS in wheat after exposing it to freezing/chilling temperature.
Prolonged exposure to cold stress results in stunted growth, diminished root-shoot surface area, leaf chlorosis, and disturbed water and nutrient relations. Such indicators lead to a significant reduction in wheat yield and quality https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2021.676884/full
Cold stress can be just as lethal as heat stress. When a cell freezes, the water inside it expands as it turns to ice. This can cause the cell membrane to rupture and lead to cell death. Plants respond to cold temperatures by activating metabolic pathways that protect their cells from cold and freezing conditions. https://plantae.org/how-plants-sense-cold-and-activate-cold-tolerance/