Sir, as the facts stated that rice-rice system creates lots of problem in rice ecosystem including destroying of structure, emission of methan, nitrous oxides, decrease in microbial counts, poor mineralization due to continuous flooding, volatilization of N in to NH3, exhuast effect on SOC, reductive phase of soil that might have negative impact soil and environment. I agreed with your view to change this rice ecosystem to upland unpuddled that should also be diverisified with some pulses/legumes. Pulse not only improve soil structure that also credited organic carbon in to soil and also maintaining C:N ratio that would be beneficial to mineralization of organic to inorganic nutrient through increasing microorganism. Pulses also acted as Natural tiller to improve soil depth that promote nutrient aquisition from lower depth to the surface. The diversification should accordance be two approaches i.e. vertical and horizontal and should meet out the local as well as market demands. Our prime concerns are feed the growing generation with sustainable utilization of resources. Therefore, intercropping/diversification with cropping system of rice with suitable legumes is major challenge to meeting foodgrain demands. Working on carbon sequestration with feeding the large population under organic farming should not be possible without legumes.
I think the diversified cropping systems have great potential for soil organic carbon sequestration, our term studing on this field using long-term experiments in China.
Diversity brings changes, as does diversified cropping systems. It reflects on carbon sequestration and nutrients acquisition. Rice-rice system has detrimental impact on soil properties but, MSP of rice resulted better return to the farmers and hence poor diversification. We need to work out on practices particularly under farmers fields, which can/will bring equal or more systems productivity to replace the second rice crop.
Agriculture researchers needs to work on issues related to factor productivity, food and other productions vis-a-vis soil and environmental sustainability.