The atomic radius of Gold for example is already 174 pm. For this simple geometric reason you can't make particles composed out of many atoms smaller than an individual atom.
The atomic radius of Gold for example is already 174 pm. For this simple geometric reason you can't make particles composed out of many atoms smaller than an individual atom.
The Angström, not a SI unit, was formerly used because of the order of magnitude of atomic sizes and bond lengths. 1 A = 10-10 m = 0.1 nm = 100 pm. As particles can never be smaller than the atoms themselves, 100 pm is therefore a rough lower bound of particle size.
if you are concerned with particles composed of atoms then it is absolutely not possible because the smallest possible atom i.e. H-atom has atomic size of the order of 100 pm. So particles composed of atoms can never be of the order of pico meter,
and if you are concerning elementary particles like Hadrons, Baryons, Hyperons,
Mesons, Nucleon etc then for example, take a proton,
because it is found inside nucleus and nuclear dimensions are of the order of 0.001 pico meter (of the order of fermi meter), then we already have particles of size much smaller than the size of a pico-meter.
Due to many reasons the particle size can not be reduce in picorange. For simple geometry reason & also According to Dr Brink A particle must be cluster of many atoms.