07 October 2023 10 721 Report

A lot seems to be coming out in publications about the circular economy or sustainable development and the circular economy or circular economy and sustainability or circular economy, sustainable development and global warming...and so on.

All researchers and publications seems to have the same theme of directly or indirectly indicating that the broken circularity traditional market economy can be made circular by non-green market means; and hence, they advocate circularity without indicating where the circularity problem came from or comes from; hence, without indicating whether they are fixing a broken circularity problem or patching that broken circularity problem plus their circularity thoughts seem to be disconnected from the need to one day transition away from the pollution production based economies to the pollution free economies....

They seem to start with addressing the consequences of the broken circularity problem without any regards with respect to fixing the root cause of the broken circularity problem.

And this raises the question, Can you have a circular green economy without green markets? If No, why No? If Yes, why yes?

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