I need to program several Wildlife Computers' miniPAT tags and the software from WLC only runs on Windows. Has anyone tried to do this on a Mac with a windows emulator, and does it work seemlessly? Thanks for sharing...
Hola Ramón, quizás te convenga instalar directamente el Windows en una partición nueva del disco rígido. Es un poco más de tarea, pero te aseguras que funcione correctamente. Yo tengo instalados Windows y LinuxMint junto con el MacOSX en una MBP del 2007 y corren bien. Suerte con las miniPAT. Abrazo
Gracias Gustavo, eso estaba pensando hacer. Lo que no sé es si así funcione el programa de comunicacion con las PAT... pero lo voy a intentar. Un abrazo.
I have run a variety of PC programs (ArcGIS, PRESENCE, weather station, ...) in Windows environments emulations. Try. I used VM Fusion as the Windows emulation but Parallels claims to be as good or better emulation.
I have been using a Mac for several years and running VMware Fusion to run Windows in Parallel. I have successfully programmed both WC MK10 PATs and MiniPATs using the WC programming applications within the Windows environment.
The change over between Mac OS and Windows is a little slow, but once its up and running it works well.