Can whatever type of information be encoded in a boundary in holographic principle? in a question some years ago regarding holography (

It is said that AdS/CFT is the most common type of holography treated in physics, and although whatever information of a bulk could be encoded in a boundary, is very uncommon to talk about holography outside AdS/CFT correspondence.

Then, if whatever/any information could be encoded there, then could info of anything of whatever dimensions, characteristics, nature, logic/mathematic/non-mathematical/illogic nature (even illogical things)...etc (anything) be encoded in a boundary so the universe inside of it would behave according to this info (as the info encoded in the boundary dictates what will happen in the universe inside that boundary)?

(Asking only of it's possible, I understand that the AdS/CFT point of view is the only way we can talk about holography in a definite way, but I'm only asking if that would be possible)

PS: I had a conversation about this with another user in Physics Stack Exchange:

He told me that "I am not willing to start thinking outside the mathematically well-established background of the theory. It is irresponsible to use the knowledge that we have for a specific thing to extend it to some hypothetical and unestablished basis" and that my question couldn't be answered because AdS/CFT is the only well established type of holography and this was out of that theory.

I agree with him in the part that my question is too hypothetical (and I apologize for that), but I was asking only if it's possible (I mean, if as you say, whatever info could be encoded in the boundary, although is very hypothetical and obviously not well studied, it could be physically possible, isn't it? If yes, then why he says that my question could not be answered?)

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