There are a group of theories in physics called digital physics and informational physics (which conceive the universe as being/behaving like a computer or an information structure due to the information encoded in it:

I'm doing some research in this topic, and I would like you to correct some assumptions I've made (if they are wrong) to ensure i've not made any false/incorrect assumption about the theory:

Correct me if I am wrong

1. When we say that the universe is information we mean that the universe is computable information and could behave like a computer

2. Even if something in the universe was not that type of information, a structure like the brain (a biological brain, a boltzmann brain or even an hypothetical omniscient boltzmann brain capable of thinking/knowing anything of whatever dimensions, characteristics, nature, logic/mathematic/non-mathematical/illogic nature...etc (anything)) could see it or capture its characteristics. That data that would exist inside that brain would be information that could be encoded in a universe so what the brain thinks/knows/sees would exist or happen in that universe (behaving like a brain)

3. This could happen in more ways than in the quantum way (I mean, the universe could be like a classical computer and brain (in the case space time was only classical/continuous), like a quantum computer and brain (in the case space time was quantum/discrete)...etc)

Thank you

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