Several journals, especially those with high impact points, include expensive fees, as part of the submission process. But, what can we do if we do not count with economic resources to pay the publication costs?
Well if you are involved with an University, they can pay or at least cover a part of the cost of the submission process.
In my country are public universities who they have their own journals, and publish the investigations of their researchers without cost, and very often have a national and even sometimes international impact.
In my country (Venezuela), there is no support for education and research, because bad policies that government has implemented since 7 years (approximately). You see, public universities have been strangled with low budgets, which barely can cover the essential needs of the community (food, transport, cleaning). Therefore, universities cannot help you to cover even a part of the submission costs, because, ironically, that is not a priority...
Hola Erick, te contestare en español, creo que me expreso mejor, en México tenemos problemas similares, sin embargo a veces paradojicamente una universidad pública (eso si, muy famosa en México) con muchos menos recursos realiza mejores investigaciones (de echo mucho mejores), que la universidad publica mas grande e importate del país.
En tu caso en Venezuela no se si sea simplemente apatía del gobierno, o incluso exista algún tipo de censura, pared o algo que el gobierno tenga en contra de los investigadores y universidades
Hi Erick, here in México we have similar problems, and sometimes paradoxically a public university (very famous in México) with a lot of less resources, meakes better researching than the biggest and important public univerisity in the coauntry.
in your situation, in Venezuela, I don't if its only the goverment apathy, or event exist some type of censorship or something like that that the government have against researchesrs and unviersities.
Hola Erick, la verdad es que me ha sorprendido tu pregunta. En el área de la química, por ejemplo, lo común es que la editorial no cobré nada por publicar. Pensaba que lo de cobrar era una excepción y de revistas de prestigio menor.
Hi, Erick, The above suggested Journals are ISI Journals. So, it may be hard to publish. Among the non ISI fees-free Journals, I would recommend the WSEAS Transactions which cover a broad area of research topics. (Review of Business and Economics Studies) - for those interested in free and fast publications is peer-reviewed journal on economics, finance and business. Papers are exposed in open access and priinted in hard copies. Journal has just been launched, so it's not in Scopus yet, but plans are to be there in two years. People from Elseviere gave positive outlook after reading first issue.
Fíjate Gabriel, hace ya casi un año intenté publicar en la Transactions of Biomedical Enginnering de la IEEE, y tuve que pagar USD 100,00 por página (mi artículo tenía 7). Aún así, el artículo no fue aceptado. Pienso que deberían cobrarte en tal caso que lo aceptan.
You see Gabriel, nearly one year ago, I tried to publish an article in the IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Engineering, and I had to pay USD 100,00 per page (my article had 7 pages). Still, my article was rejected. In my opinion, If your article was accepted, then, you should pay...
Erick, tambien en México existe mucho ese fenómeno de la fuga de cerebros, si bien no es tan dificil hacer dinero como ingeniero trabajando en empresas o haciendo uno mismo una, si lo es hacer investigaciones bien pagadas, al menos para una buen manutención a una familia, por eso muchos investigadores terminan viajando y viviendo en otros paises, sobre todo Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y Alemania, donde tienen un buen pago y las condiciones de vida son mejores (bueno en Estaods Unidos muchas veces me recuerda a México en las condiciones de vida).
Si bien no hay represión cientifica en México, si hay censura periodística y en medios informativos, aunque supongo que eso es en todos los paises, por lo mismo no es tan dificil hacer ni publicar articulos, sin embargo si es dificl conseguir los recursos necesarios para hacer las investigaciones que sustenten esos articulos.