Intellectually and psychologically, it is important to motivate architectural students in design studio. I propose to use ‘’Game theory’’ as a mechanism for practicing the formation of architectural composition. If you agree, how?
Using Avatars, second life, and simulation, through creating complex, critical scenarios, for students in architecture can help to avoid mistakes and can have more holistic knowledge about safe architecture. Multi methodology approach for students can bring them close to deal with real life situations,.. more confidently. Aviation academic institutions use simulated scenarios, game based approaches, creating real life situations through project based learning and many more, to improve safety and prevent mistakes; because mistakes are fatal,... whether it is health care, aviation, architecture; so, there is load of literature that deals with things like improving critical thinking , problem solving, decision making among students, to better equip to deal with 21st century complex, uncertain environment.
" Air Force Using Avatar Technology for Training
Using lifelike video game-style technology, the avatars have true-to-life movements based on real people who model for the scenarios at AFRL’s Human Measurement and Signatures Intelligence program"
Kazan, R., Giacalone, M., Liu, J., Brogi, E., Cyr, S., & Hemmerling, T. M. (2019). Exposing medical students to various difficulty levels of simulated endotracheal intubations improves success rate: a randomised non-blinded trial. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, bmjstel-2018.
Kapur, N., Parand, A., Soukup, T., Reader, T., & Sevdalis, N. (2015). Aviation and healthcare: a comparative review with implications for patient safety. JRSM open, 7(1), 2054270415616548.
Mota, M. M., & Flores, I. (2018). Revisiting the flaws and pitfalls using simulation in the analysis of aviation capacity problems. Case Studies on Transport Policy.