I have calculated the HB between two molecules with AIM software. the values of rho and laplacian are not in the range but there is HB between them and NBO also show high value of energy for this bond. shall I accept this HB or not?
Probably you can accept it as a H-bond. But My suggestion is to check carefully your wavefunction. You may use different method/basis and different programs for AIM to crosscheck your results are perfect. You have mentioned that this H-bond is between two molecule. If two molecules make complex by only the mentioned H-bonding then you must get some stabilization energy due to this bonding which you can use to support as H-bondong stabilization.
Actually, bond path between two atoms necessarily does not show a chemical bond. I suggest do not restrict yourself to criteria and values at bond critical bonds. I think relying on interaction energies may be more useful as well as your chemical intuition.