01 January 1970 15 6K Report

Hello! In my research, I examined the period between 2007q4 and 2019Q3 of nine banks operating in Turkey using the PMG-ARDL estimator proposed by Pesaran et al (1999). In this respect, can I ask you two questions about my research: cross sectional dependence. In this regard, I have received criticism that the PMG-ARDL estimator cannot be used when there is a cross sectional dependent problem. It is suggested that this cannot be done because the PMG/ARDL estimator was developed before tests that examined cross sectional dependence, such as the Pesaran (2004) CD test. However, although cross-section dependence was found in many studies, the PMG-ARDL estimator was used. May I ask your opinion on this?

Besides; In some studies, the Hausman test was used when estimating PMG-ARL. Therefore, the PMG-ARDL or MG estimator was used according to the Hausman test results. However, in some studies, Akaike, Schwarz and Hannan-Quinn information criteria were used, and the Hausman test was not performed. The model with the smallest information criterion was used. Because I used the PMG-ARDL estimator using the Eviews program in my research, I made predictions based on the Akaike, Schwarz and Hannan-Quinn information criteria. So I didn't use the Hausman test. Is this the right method? Thank you so much.

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