Do some experiments with different temperatures and times. It might take time to get micropores emptied, but a good starting point could be 150-200 C and 3 hours degassing. Keep temperature constant and go up in time. Then rise temperature and use 3-5 hours degassing. But I have seen results published using 16 hours degassing.
I've recently observed that degassing time significantly affects the surface area of CNT structures. Initially, we encountered issues with open loops in the adsorption-desorption curves when degassing at 180°C for 3 hours, which is not ideal. We then increased the degassing time to 24 hours, which resulted in closed loops and different surface area values.
Based on my experience, if your curves aren't ideal, you might need to adjust your parameters to remove any adsorbed gas species before analysis. For more details, you can refer to the IUPAC technical report on physical N2 adsorption-desorption.