As part of my PhD program, I am writing a review about what has been done or what has been the implications with the aquifer recharge (both direct and indirect) with treated waste water. I also would like to know which was the first country to
Pelase see "Ground Water Recharge Using Waters of Impaired Quality", Committee on Ground Water Recharge, Water Science and Technology Board, Comission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1994. 283 pages. Looks into different aspects of aquí fer recharge. Describes 6 recharge proyects from the US and o e forma Israel.
Having been dabbling with RWH for many years, a lot of researchers have started to work on wwt remedied water for aquifer recharge. The aquifers could be shallow, deep or very deep aquifers. The catch in this mass transfer of water from upper levels to lower levels ought to be done in aquifers- that efficiently do the process of SAT- i.e soil aquifer treatment.
The soil in the stratas, have the potential of bio- remedying the wwt or part remedied water. A lot of caution, and very careful assessments are done in recharging the aquifers. It is imperative that constant monitoring id done..
In the event of any contamination of aquifers, it would be next impossible task to clean the water contained in the aquifers. I reserve some more pertinent points, which I am assembling prior submission.
The method being contemplated of recharging aquifers with bio- remedied ww is indeed will be welcomed by all communities, as it is for the common good but it is to be done with utmost caution..