I am unable to understand how the data from ABI 7500 Fast can be analysed after the experiment is run. I tried to measure the melting temperature of a protein. I performed the experiment using 5X concentration of Sypro Orange and my protein at 4.5ug overall in a reaction of 20ul. I have run the experiment with initial temperature at 25oC and a final temperature to reach 99oC with 1% rise in temperature as a ramp speed. The experiment is run in triplicates. So, now I would like to know how can I make the average of three and get the melt curve, how can I draw the negative derivative curve and normalized curve, and finally how can I draw the melting temperature values for the analysed protein. The experiment is performed in Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast instrument. So, can someone share a detailed protocol of post experimental analysis of DSF stability assay to draw the melting point and for proper representation of the same by a melt curve.

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