This is a question for all the statisticians out there! I am conducting an interrater reliability study. I have decided that using the Intraclass Correlation coefficient (ICC) would be the most appropriate statistical procedure, given that I have more than 2 raters involved (k=4). I have also calculated my appropriate sample size. My question relates to the type of model. I have chosen absolute agreement over consistency as I want to measure the ratings with absolute agreement to test the reliability of utilizing a proposed assessment rubric. I am not really sure if it is a two-way mixed or two-way random model, given that I have “randomly’ selected and invited raters from different disciplines, however, all four raters are fixed and will rate the same  subjects drawn randomly from a larger population pool. The raters do not know the subjects. I am inclined to think this is a two-way mixed model rather than a two-way random model. What is the general consensus? I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

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