Dear All, I am calculating partial density of states of metal organic frame work (Fe-CHNO). I optimized the geometry followed by I performed post processing computation with mentioned IOP and POP = full. I am using B3LYP hybrid functional and Lanl2dz basis for Iron (Fe) metal and additionally I used 6-31g(d) for C, H, N, and O atoms. 1) Can I calculate density of states of degenerate d-orbitals (dxy, dyz, dzx, dx2-y2, dz2) of Fe metal ? 2) While I am looking to output file of Gaussian, I found Gross Orbital Population Analysis as following : Gross orbital populations:


1 1 Fe 1S 0.39844

2 2S 2.00069

3 3S -0.03356 Is it negative value also allowed ? If it allows what it signifies ?

4 4PX 2.00102

5 4PY 2.00054

6 4PZ 2.00070

7 5PX 0.10674

8 5PY 0.10490

9 5PZ 0.11135

10 6PX 0.03151

11 6PY 0.03558

12 6PZ 0.02988

13 7D 0 1.23721

14 7D+1 0.79602

15 7D-1 0.95566

16 7D+2 1.18725

17 7D-2 1.09136

18 8D 0 0.26848

19 8D+1 0.21761

20 8D-1 0.22989

21 8D+2 0.23887

22 8D-2 0.25389

Why there exist 22 orbitals for Iron (Fe) metal though it has 16 electrons from Lanl2dz pseudopotential ? Is it due to Lanl2dz basis set which has 22 basis functions ? How can I explain 7D0, 7D+1, 7D-1, 7D+2 and 7D-2. May I equate with d orbitals ((dxy, dyz, dzx, dx2-y2, dz2) ? Thanks in advance Regards

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