Thank you for your response. As a matter of fact, i am looking to collaborate with someone who can help me to develop the mathematical aspect of my theories in terms of modelling.
Complex analyisis gives us the natural completion of the theory of classical elementary functions. Think e.g. on the factorization of polynomials into linear factors and the fundmental theorem of algebra.. Complex analysis is useful for proving important theorems about the set of natural numbers.
Complex analysis helps n the theory of plane harmonic vector fields, in fluid and aerodynamics, think e.g. on conformal mapping in device of airfoils.
I am a teacher researcher at Badji Mokhtar University Annaba,Algeria. I have a problem with the inverse Laplace transform of fractional differential equations.
In your article : Integral and Differential Equations of Fractional Order Rudolf GORENFLO and Francesco MAINARDI you used the Hankel path to find the inverse Laplace transform.
If you can help me find the inverse Laplace transform of fractional differential equations.