We consider CP^{2n+1} with its natural Riemannian metric(The quotient of S^{4n+3} under the natural action of S^{1}. We denote by "d" the metric which is induced by this Riemannan metric.

 We define F  on  CP^{2n+1} with F(x)=the (unique) farthest point to x(with respect to the above metric d).

Is F(x) well defined?(Is the point F(x) unique?). Is F \ circ  F=Id  (that is F^{2}=Id?).

Now for every x, we consider M(x)=All points  y \in CP^{2n+1} such that d(y,x)=d(y,F(x)).

Is M(x) a ( codimenion one )totally geodesic submanifold of  CP^{2n+1}? Does  M(x) separate CP^{2n+1} into two disjoint part with the same area?

How many geodesics join x tp F(x)? Is it true to say that any geodesic which joints x to F(x) must be perpendicular to M(x)?

All of the above questions are motivated by n=0(the sphere).In this case the answer to all of the above questions are affirmative.

Note that we exclude CP^{even} since it has the fixed point property, so obviously the above F does not exist.

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