There are few reasons for red shift of T: 1) If your TiO2 film is rough than the scattering losses increase resulting in smaller transmittance; 2) If TiO2 is thick enough a small extinction coefficient in the visible range may lead to absorption that is not negligible; 3) If both materials are smooth and transparent than it may happen reflectance of TiO2/ITO to be higher than R of ITO.
Response to question 1: The redshift could be a simple interference effect. What are the thicknesses? (particularly for TiO2)
Response to question 2: Assuming that you mean the 'luminous reflectance', then it would be the integration of reflectance*photopic_curve*source_spectrum, divided by the integration of photopic_curve*source_spectrum. You can find the photopic curve easily; for the the source_spectrum, you can use a 'perfect' source of unity, or a standard like D65.