I am getting a peak around 289 cm-1 in Raman spectra of PolyvinylPyrrolidone capped gold nanoparticles. Is it caused by Oxygen or nitrogen of PVP to Au?
I am not sure but i have eard something about a metal-N bond at the wavenumber you mention. I do not remember the papers but i think you can start by using "sers" (surface enhanced raman scattering). I have in mind some figures with Me-N bonds in this spectral window...
I have one paper where peak at 259 cm-1 for silver-pvp is there but with no reference further. For my knowledge for both me-n or me-o should come in very narrow window. If some reference on me-o binding is there please send the link.
Naively one can say that the relative wave number ratio of the two corresponding vibrators is about sqrt(N mass/O mass) which is not no far from 1. (The reduced mass is close to the mass of O and N as 1/M_Me