Social media, the internet provides many examples of unsuccessful censorship, such as the Twitter and Turkey paradigm! The Turkish prime minister, in trying to censor or rather block Twitter in his country, has shown the world how the social media can revolt, protest or demonstrate against tyrants, and not only. I need remind you of the Egyptian paradigm. Namely, with regard to the Arab Spring, Facebook and Twitter overthrew the Egyptian president. It helped people in organizing and coordinating protests, by cross-communicating and information spreading during the revolution in Egypt against President Hosni Mubarak. Twitter and Facebook also helped people organize and disseminate news during the demonstrations in Athens by the movement called “Aganaktismenoi” (the Resentful or the people fed-up with austerity measures). So it seems demonstrations, protests, etc. can be organised and coordinated by the Facebook Group and Twitter Pages, proving that social media can be used as a tool to ‘change’ the world.

A study by Nadine Kassem Chebib & Rabia Minatullah Sohail (2011) explores the impact social media had on the Egyptian Revolution in 2011 which ended with President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation on February 11, 2011, thus ending his 30 year old regime. According to an anonymous Cairo activist: “We use Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world" The combination of different social media channels under a coherent and concrete strategy can mobilize not only political changes but also every aspect of our lives. Facebook was founded in 2004 as a website platform for Harvard students and after 8 years has reached more than 800 million active users. The second most famous/popular social media channel worldwide is Twitter with over 140 million users. Undeniably, social media is extremely powerful. But is it as easy as is seems?

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