The concept of simultaneous assessment of multiple ERPs and its importance was well introduced by Steven Luck and his team in:
We improved on the design and gamified it to add more ERPs in:
In one of our recent studies we found that deficits generally reported in conventional ERPs paradigms were not seen and is found may deficits taht are different from those generally reported. (see Simultaneous_assessment_of_P50_MMN_ERN_and_P300_event-related_potentials_among_patients_with_Schizophrenia_-_an_exploratory_study). We also observed near normal performance by mental disorder patients when the task is gamified, compared to the monotonous versions of ERP tasks.
I guess that multi-stimulus and ecologically valid tasks may help patients better compensate their cognitive deificits (see But is this a more realistic evaluation of cognitive process than what is found in traditional ERP or does it represent a novel cognitive process?
Conference Paper Simultaneous assessment of P50, MMN, ERN and P300 event-rela...