It seems that mathematical and physical constants can be derived by simple calculation of prime numbers and Fibanacci numbers.
In Fibonacci numbers series:
610/377 = 1.61803 = Golden ratio
In Prime numbers series:
11251/4139 = 2.71828 = Euler number
16063/5113 = 3.14159 = PI
33911/5081 = 6.67408 = constant of gravitation
51637/7793 = 6.62607 = Planck constant
11909/7433 = 1.60217 = elementary charge (Charge of electron)
532999/5851 = 9.109383 = electron mass
14593/1489 = 9.8005 = acceleration of gravity
13327/2213 = 6.02214 = Avogadro constant
2621/1567 = 1.67262 = Proton mass
Is there any implicit rule here?