Dear fellows,
I am working on my bachelor thesis right now. My vision was to extract some sort of information flow between platforms. Concretely, I wanted to analyse 4chan /pol/ posts from 2016 and US-Presidential Candidate Tweets from the same time period in order to determine in which direction information goes, which side of the analysis "creates" the information. Does the political entity lead the conversation or follow it?
In my research I already pinned down that I need to compare topics and their emergence time. I also read a lot about discourse analysis. But lacking a gotcha-moment, I am starting to doubt how feasable this is. Especially because I can't find any similar works in the research field.
So my question is, is something like this doable? If not, is there an similar alternative research question where I can keep the data and methods?
Even if you think the question might not deserve an answer because of any reason, I would be very thankful if you could at least share some keywords that come to your mind when reading the question.
Thank you and have a nice day!