Respected Scholars, Please assist me in the following matter:

1. A Qualitative research study is being started in Pakistan on the matter of Brand equity at doctoral level in which i am collaborating

2. The title the research study is: The implications regarding trademarks to become brands and their collective value effect on firms from marketer and consumer perspective

3. According to research onion:

a. Research philosophy : Subjectivism

b. Research approach: Inductive

c. Research strategy: Descriptive study involving the observation and survey technique

Sources for (c) are:

 Jackson, S.L. (2009). Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach 3rd edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.


 Methodological fit (Edmondson & Mcmanus, 2007)

d. Methodological choices: Mono method (Qualitative descriptive study)

e. Time horizon: Cross sectional

f. Data collection (sampling + analyses): Stratified purposive sapling & Thematic content analysis.

4. Research Problem:

There are two paradigms and seven approaches or school of thoughts in Brand equity study (1985 till present) out of which the researcher came to know that the two school of thoughts, identity and consumer based theory, are bonded by cognitive theory, but has not been observed to be studied anywhere . The reason behind it is that most of the developing countries as Pakistan are concentrating on quantitative research in contrast to the depiction of the brand equity scholars, that the research in brand equity or brand equity management became softer as we move away from the 1990s literary work. Thus, the “cognitive construct” is the gap, which needs to be studied, between the positivistic and constructivist approaches in accordance to the loss of brand equity from marketer and consumer side.

5. Proposed Research Questions:

a. How cognitive construct can be the source of marketer and consumer based loss of brand equity in firms?


b. What kind of loss the marketer and consumer is facing in terms of brand equity in firms while the cognitive construct is being neglected?

Questions from the RESEARCH GATE COMMUNITY are:

1. How can the researcher use Nvivo for this in an effective manner?

2. Is there any other software that can be more efficient ?

3. Will the researcher face problem by coupling observational and survey technique (open-ended questions) in Qualitative descriptive research strategy?

4. The researcher is using stratified sampling technique because in universities, enforcement agencies, and corporations... a hand full of people know about my problem area. Can the sampling technique be problematic for me?

5. Simply the researcher wants to about the loss which is happening to the marketer in terms of trademark and brand. From the consumer side, what loss the consumer bears and transfers back the negative effect to the marketer in terms of image, reputation and awareness loss. Intellectual property organisation of Pakistan is working on this area but there are many loop holes that have to be filled by the literary society. Having said that, the researcher be going for case studies or the detail i mentioned above is ok ?

6. Some say that Nvivo can only be used when you are having case study and Grounded theory. Is that right ? 

7. What is the difference between descriptive and narrative research? how can i find its logic from research onion?

8. Can triangulation be used in terms of analysis, theory and data collection sources ?

9. Any comments on the researcher’s samples and sampling technique as below :

Purposive Sampling                               Stratified Samples/Strata/Stratums

1. Universities                                 (i)research facilities (ii)Professors (iii)IPO representatives

2. Businesses                                 (i)IPO representatives (ii)Research facilities (iii)Owners of                                                                 small and medium enterprises 

3. Legal fraternity (community)     (i)Judges (ii)Attorneys

4. Enforcement agencies                  (i)Senior Police officers (ii)Senior FIA officers

                                                               (iii)Custom officers at Anti-Piracy Cells (APCs)(iv)FBR                                                                      officers (v)PEMRA representatives for IPR

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