Most of the paper reviews I have seen until now, including those of my peers on my papers or of myself made to the papers of other peers, are short, but some of them, including mines, may be also long and exceptional pieces to be published, serving, why not, as a valuable experience for others in the future. But, it is often said that peer reviews cannot even be made known for ethical purposes, of which I do not clearly see the why and how. In my opinion, most of the peer reviews are some writings with no real contribution on the papers they are supposed to help with valuable thoughts, thus constituting some general and unrelated considerations, so that they may correspond to any other paperwork. However, some of those peer reviews are very valuable, honest, and long works trying really to help the peers in their future research work with concrete remarks and may be really considered, indeed, for publication if they are well structured, etc.

Can you, please, add your valuable experience and thoughts related to this issue?

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