We tried to determine the small atomic shifts in multiferroic YMnO3, HoMnO3 and LuMnO3 at the magnetic phase transition temperature by neutron powder diffraction and so far have not succeeded. We first measured on the neutron diffractometer D20 that has a limited Q range (Q_max = 7 Å^-1) and then on POWGEN at SNS (spallation source) up to a very high Q. All these data lead to no definite conclusions about the atomic shifts at T_N. We then tried polarized neutron diffraction on single crystals of the multiferroic YMn2O5. By measuring flipping ratios we could estimate the atomic displacements at T_N. The structural modulation has the same propagation vector as the magnetic modulation so we get very small nuclear (structural) contribution on top of strong magnetic contribution of diffracted intensity. By measuring flipping ratios we could estimate the atomic (Mn) displacements. In neutron antiferromagnetic reflections contain a very small structural contribution. In resonant or even nonresonant X-ray scattering the structural (charge) contribution should dominate the magnetic contribution of diffracted intensity. So one should in principle be able to determine the atomic displacements more accurately. I know that TbMnO3 has been studied by resonant X-ray diffraction but the atomic displacement (O) was found to be rather small. We are convinced that atomic displacements of Mn ions (Mn^3+ and Mn^4+) are relatively large in YMn2O5. Will it be possible to measure it at the ESRF on some beam line?

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