Dear Members, I'm interested in the role landfilling of biosolids play in the evolution of landfill leachate chemistry. Specifically, do biosolids significantly influence leachate composition and if so how?
1-Design and Operational Issues Related to the Co-Disposal of
Sludges and Biosolids in Class I Landfills
Impact on Leachate Quality
Biosolids tend to contain pathogens and heavy metals. Hence, while considering
co-disposal of biosolids and MSW, its impact on leachate quality will have to be
addressed. One of the questions included in the survey was whether landfill operators noticed any change in leachate quality as a result of co-disposal. Most landfill operators reported no observable impact of co-disposal on leachate quality. They attributed this to the fact that the quantity of biosolids accepted by their facilities was an extremely small percentage of MSW and this prevented biosolids from contributing significantly to leachate quality. A statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel to evaluate the impact of co-disposal on leachate quality (Refer Chapter 3 for detailed process). The leachate data recorded were extremely variable and the variability of the data made it very difficult to draw any conclusive inferences from the analysis. Table 4.1 presents statistical operations for selected parameters on both kinds of landfills – ones that accepted biosolids and ones that did not.
4-Landfill Leachate Released to Wastewater Treatment Plants and other Environmental Pathways Contains a Mixture of Contaminants including Pharmaceuticals
Hi Rafik, thank you very much! Very useful links and resources. I hope to be looking at temporal variation in landfill leachate composition for a site in New Zealand. Biosolid landfilling occurred 10 years into the contract. The temporal data set as a reasonable suite of analytes that may or may not be able to identify any change in composition following biosolid landfilling.