29 July 2020 1 9K Report

Hi, I very much appreciate if anyone could give some answers.

I am testing a moderated mediation model with 1IV, 1DV, 3 mediators(they are parallel, mediator A,B,C) and 1 moderator. Can I use Model 14 of Hayes Process to test the moderated mediation by placing the 3 mediators in the mediator box together? Or should I test each mediator seperately?

(The attched file is the model 14 from the book of Hayes)

I tried both. The results of putting them together showed that the moderated mediation was significant with mediator A and B while C was not significant.

However, If I test them indiviudally, all of them were non-significant.

Any tips I need to pay attention to if I put them together to test and how could I interpret the results(putting them together two of them were significant, otherwise. Any factors influence this result?)

Thanks a lot in advance if you could give any suggestions!



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