11 June 2019 0 10K Report

I am trying to collect E3.5 blastocyst from ICR mouse (female) crossed with B6J mouse (male). After injected PMSG on day 1 and then HcG 48 later to the ICR female mouse, I mated them with B6J stud male mice. Then I collect E0.5 zygote (1 cell stages) on mouse who has positif vaginal plug. The problem is, the zygotes failed to grow into blastocyst and even they develop, the percentage is very low. I will get only 2-5 blastocyst from total 40 zygotes and need longer day to grow (5 days until hatch). I am not happy with this number and I thought the problem is on my skill. After few weeks later and still failed , I accidentally mated the ICR females with ICR stud males. When I collect the zygote, they grow into healthy blastocyst (succeed to hatch) nearly 100%. Now, while I am comparing the blastocyst development between ICR females x B6J males and ICR females x B6J males, is there anyone had experience in outcrossing ICR females x B6J males? Please share your experience. How many pups did you get? Are they healthy? Do you think ICR females can be cross with B6J males? If yes, why my zygotes failed to develop into blastocysts? I use KSOM medium to grow the blastocyst. Thanks

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