02 November 2021 6 638 Report

My research has the dependent variable that cannot have data prior to 1995 as the existence of the variable commences since that year only. So I now have 22 annual time series data. I am testing for the determinants against 6 other variables which are strongly related to the dependent variable. My test results indicate the following:

Unit root test (DF-GLS) - stationary

ARDL F-bounds test - Cointegration exists at a 1 per cent significance level

ARDL long-run cointegration - All explanatory variables are statistically significant

ECM - Cointegration across all variables shows statistical significance

Diagnostics tests - The results validate the null hypothesis assumptions of no autocorrelation (Serial Correlation LM Test - Breusch-Godfrey), the existence of homoscedasticity (Heteroscedasticity Test: Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey), normal distribution of the residuals (Normality Test: Jarque-Bera), and a correct model specification (Ramsey RESET).

Parameter stability - CUSUM and CUSUMSQ plots are within the critical lines of 5 per cent.

Can I go ahead with this econometric analysis or is there still a possibility of a spurious regression with such data? Please share your thoughts and suggestions. Are there are any studies on similar lines i.e. small sample data for ARDL estimation that I can refer to?

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