I need a detailed explaination about the effect of electrolyte used in CV measurement and the nature of the samples under reference. Please answer as soon as possible
Yes. Electrolyte has influence on the CV curves. For example Pt electrode in 0.1M H2SO4 (acidic medium) and in 0.1M KOH (alkaline medium). in different concentration of same electrolyte, peak height may be change, not potential of curve
Different types of electrolyte and concentrations directly affect your CV.
You may obtain different CV shapes if different types of electrolyte are used.
In Ferri/Ferrocyanide system, higher concentration would give you a larger peak current but there is a possibility to increase the resistance of the system as well as ohmic drop effects. The ohmic drop effect will make the peak separation larger and flatten the peak.
You can find details about it in Article Ohmic resistance and constant phase element effects on cycli...
If you mean that the reacting species remains the same but the supporting electrolyte is changed, the answer still is yes. I think Alan Bond has studied the well-known ferro/ferricyanide couple in different supporting electrolytes. Also in this case the kinetics of the Fe(II)/Fe(III) electron transfer was affected by the supporting electrolyte.