Hi, Irina:
I saw your answer for Meaghan about flow cytometry. I paste your answer to Meaghan here and confirm my question.
Your answer: "You mentioned above that you fix and then stain, and at the end of the question you say: how many days could that be left before staining and flow?. In my case i always stain before fixing, never after. I try to find appointments for flow for the same day , or asap, but if it is too crowded, i have been able to read 7 days after staining and still get the same results than when I read the same day or the day after. Just as a cautionary measure, keep your stained samples covered in foil, preferably in a dark, not very popular place at 4oC until the time of your appointment. Good luck!"
My concern: I have similar question. Do you mean the fixation does not affect the Ab that already bind on the cells. If this works well, I would be very happy to follow because I always have 10 to 15 animal samples simutaneously, which I really can not handle well at the same time on the same day. Do you remove the PFA before storing at 4C? Thank you.