13 January 2023 7 7K Report

Recently, we have had trouble with a dramatic decrease in general signal intensity by factor 10 of our MS (Triple Quad) also affecting intensity of mass calibrators (i.e. PPGs). While professional service including intensive cleaning of all parts and replacement of some parts (e.g. ion path before Q1 and detector) sufficiently solved the problem we are in search for the cause of this problem to avoid it in the future.

The signal decrease started around a time when an RP column was tried out for a new method development with a quite basic pH that obviously killed the column. While I have read about column bleeding being able to cause ion suppression and distinct interfering peaks within the run, does anyone have experience of HPLC-column bleeding having a long-lasting effect on MS performance even after the column was removed and the system has been cleaned, i.e. causing a true damage to the MS? Any sort of irremovable contamination that interferes with ionization or detection?

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