The musical melody is a structure consisting of a series of two types of entities: tones and pauses. Each tone has two properties: pitch and duration; each pause has one property - duration. According to these properties, they can compare to each other. The result of a comparison can be identity or difference.

Hypothesis: some combination of tones and pauses give us a sense of beauty, others don’t. Let us assume that beauty is proportional to the quantity and variety of the identity relations that the melody structure contains.[1]

Question: how can we determine the quantity and variety of identity relations in a given melody structure if we know that there are:

1. identity relations between individual tones and pauses;

2. identity relations between relations. (example: A and B are different in the same (identical) way as B and C; duration of A is half of the duration of B just like (identically) the duration of C is half of the duration of D; etc.)[2]

3. between groups of tones (and pauses)

And a second question: by which method can we create structures that contain maximum quantity and variety of identity relations?


[1] About the reasons behind this hypothesis seePreprint Preprint The Reason as an ability for identification and differentiat...

, part 3.

[2] The structure must be observed throw time. If we play the tones and pauses of a beautiful melody in random time order the beauty will be lost. These types of relations allow us that.

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