The action level put by USFDA is 76 ppm for crustaceans and 86 ppm for molluscan bivalves. Codex has not set any MRL for As in Fish and Fishery products. There are countrywise variation in the limits.
Australian standards-maximum residue limits for inorganic As in seafood: 2 mg/kg (for crustaceans such as crab, lobster, prawns), 1mg/kg for Molluscs (such as abalone), 2 mg/kg fish (such as sword fish, tuna, whiting)
NRS (National Residue Survey) 2012. NRS Annual Report 2010-11. Australian Government. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra. 272 pp.
There is no current PTWI (provisional tolerable weekly intake) from the WHO. It is under review. The Committee concluded that the current PTWI for inorganic As (2.1 μg/kg bw per day) was no longer health protective and in 2011 the PTWI was withdrawn.
Thank you so much Shawn......the links are really useful....but I just need one suggestion that a paper I'm writing, where which reference should i give?