If you are interested in growth of potassium titanyl phosfate I would reccomend you articles by V.Nikolov and Shumov (Bulgarian Academy of Science). Also I want to add that our department deals with NLO crystal growth(KDP, ADP,KTP with dopants) and measurements of optical properties of these crystals. Unfortunately, most of our articles are published in Russian. But if can find anything in English I will send it to you. Also, it will be great if you specify what crystals you are interested in.
Actual i am doing the amino acid based crystal and i would like to prove that the materials are good candidate for the NLO application? Could you tell me the what is meant by Z scan technique? How the test useful for the NLO crystals?
can you suggest how to synthesis KB5 NLO crystal? (with full text). I want to work on KB5 but I faced problem to mix two different type of aqueous solution of material like K2CO3 and boric acid
sir me too working in amino acid crystals,can you tell me how will you control the microbes grown in amino acid solution? because my solution prepared with L-histidine got contaminated by microbes.
and can you suggest me a host material to dope amino acids? other than thiourea KDP, KTP, ADP
i have tried also with succinic acid but i have got crystal flakes.
Can anyone suggest me i have attempted to grow succinic acid crystals in aqueous solution but i have got crystal flakes. could anyone tell me how it can be grown into crystals, either by changing the solvent or by using mixed solvent.