Rodoula, thanks a lot for providing me with your precious articles. I see that you are using brand loyalty measurement, that include both behavioral and attitudional loyalty. I am interested only in behavioral one. I need behavioral loyalty from perspective of giving a second chance to a seller or provider. But still I think that i can modify scales used in your studies. Thanks one more time
There are many ways to measure repurchase intentions. We document many of them in our MSI paper. We also used a loyalty intention metric in a recent paper on customer commitment. The citations for each paper are below. I hope they are useful.
Mittal, Vikas, and Carly Frennea. "Customer satisfaction: a strategic review and guidelines for managers." MSI Fast Forward Series, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, MA (2010).
Keiningham, Timothy L., Carly M. Frennea, Lerzan Aksoy, Alexander Buoye, and Vikas Mittal. "A Five-Component Customer Commitment Model Implications for Repurchase Intentions in Goods and Services Industries." Journal of Service Research 18, no. 4 (2015): 433-450.