TCA precipitation is use to separate out protein from any sample like cell lysate, tissue lysate, plasma and serum. If you want to separate out proteins from RBC. Prepare RBC lysate for total protein. I think RBC's are Haemoglobin packets. If you want to see other important proteins , you should use haemoglobin depletion protocol. so that Hb cannot hide other protein. Then you just directly use simple TCA precipitation protocol.
Ammonium chloride based RBC lysis buffers are commercially available or you can easily make one in the lab. I presume you are interested in proteins present in the RBC membranes? - if so, then simply spin down the membranes post-lysis, gently wash a few times, and proceed with TCA. If, on the other other hand, you need cytoplasmic proteins but not Hb, then I suggest to Hb-deplete the lysate e.g. HemoVoid before doing TCA. Good luck!