I will highly appreciate it if you could share the occurrence of red palm weevil in your area and what are the management strategies (especially pesticides or biopesticides) used for their control in your particular area.
Based on the situation in Egypt, the only available control for the red palm weevil is using very toxic pesticides by injecting such formulations in the palm trunk. Indeed, it is very tricky to control this pest however in the gulf countries as Oman or KSA, better techniques are currently used.
There is a complete file on red palm weevil on the INRA web site (http://www.inra.fr/Grand-public/Sante-des-plantes/Tous-les-dossiers/Palmiers-en-danger). Sorry, it's in French only, but there are hints there about control possibilities with insect-pathogenic nematodes.
A possibly useful resource for info on the pest and control methods is http://www.scoop.it/t/sauvonsnospalmiers. There are short articles in different languages there about the weevil and other palm pests.
Actually, we are using a package of techniques to limit the dissemination. First, coordinates of each infested palm were recorded and GIS was used to monitor and analyze the dissemination pattern of the pest. Second, we installed pheromone and kairomone (atheyl acetate) baited traps within the infested zones (usually inside houses, in gardens) in attempt to reduce the imaginal population and dispersion. Then, we proceeded for the sanitation of infested trees (destruction of infested materiel by burning it for example). A big percentage of trees were able to regenerate, some of them were not. Each infested palm tree received injections of insecticide and shower treatments (Synara). Data about treatments and sanitation were included in the GIS database.
With all these measures we were not able to contain the insect. More infested zones are being reported now….