Maybe the following studies will help you on the subject:
Bar-Yoseph R, Kugelman N, Livnat G, Gur M, Hakim F, Nir V1, Bentur L. Halotherapy as asthma treatment in children: A randomized, controlled, prospective pilot study. Pediatr Pulmonol 2017;52(5):580-587.
Khan MA, Kotenko KV, Korchazhkina NB, Chervinskaya AV, Mikitchenko NA, Lyan NA. [The promising directions for the further development of halotherapy in pediatric medicine]. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 2016;93(6):61-66. [Article in Russian]
Sandu I, Canache M, Sandu AV, Chirazi M, Mihaescu T, Checherita LE, Sandu IG. The influence of NaCl aerosols on weight and height development of children. Environ Monit Assess 2015;187(2):15.
Sandu I, Canache M, Mihaescu T, et al. Influence of NaCl Aerosols on the Functional Characteristics of Children. REV CHIM (Bucharest) 2015;66(1):60-65.
Khan MA, Khoruzhenko OV, Vakhova EL, Lyan NA, Radetskaya LI. [The role of non-medicamental technologies in the rehabilitation of the children presenting with acute rhinosinusitis]. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 2015;92(4):36-40. [Article in Russian]
Lazarescu H, Simionca I, Hoteteu M, Munteanu A, Rizea I, Iliuta A, Dumitrascu D, Dumitrescu E. Surveys on therapeutic effects of "halotherapy chamber with artificial salt-mine environment" on patients with certain chronic allergenic respiratory pathologies and infectious-inflammatory pathologies. J Med Life 2014;7 Spec No. 2:83-7.
Gelardi M, Iannuzzi L, Greco Miani A, Cazzaniga S, Naldi L, De Luca C, Quaranta N. Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of Aerosal in the treatment of sub-obstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy and related diseases. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2013;77(11):1818-24.
Canache M, Sandu I, Chirazi M, Lupaşcu T, Sandu IG. The Influence of the Saline Aerosols on the Staturo-Pondereal Growth and of some Functional Characteristics of the Children. Present Environment & Sustainable Development 2013;7(1):102-115.
Snyetkova N, Kokten F. Influence of Halotherapy on Oxidant-Antioxidant Processes in Children with Dermato-Respiratory Syndome at the Period of Exacerbation of Atopic Dermatitis. Arch Dis Child 2012;97(Suppl 2):A144.
Khan MA, Chervinskaia AV, Mikitchenko NA. [The use of halotherapy for the health improvement in children at institutions of general education]. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 2012;(2):31-5. [Article in Russian]