I am using a GPS module to get the geographical location (Longitude and Latitude), how can I inject this position on the OSM map, so I can find the maximum allowed speed limit attribute assigned to that map segment?
This allows to send th lon;lat values in the formfiledname of the formname, and send them to the destination page where OSM map can display it. There you just have to receive the values using your script language. I use this procedure in my railways applications
I am interested for offline algorithms, I am thinking if there is something available, so we can save OSM data/maps/attributes/ tags in database, and we can get the tags based on database query commands, i.e. when i send specific long=xx lat=yyy, then after searching on the data base it will give me back the name of the street, the max speed limit, and ...
At last, you oly have to store latlon data. OSM data are available from the OSM website and you can display your data on OSM maps as WKT vector objects