I had done simulation of my protein-ligand complex and generated the attached potential energy graph. I need to know if my graph is correct and if not what should I do to improve/correct my results.
if the protein-ligand system is stable and you have treated the protein ligand complex as single entity, then this graph of P.E. is wrong..use the manual to correctly run the commands...or else you have done something wrong in running the simulation correctly..
@tanuj sharma... I have followed the web tutorial and used mdp files provided in the link as is. How shud i find out if my system is stable? I have docked the ligand with protein and then performed simulation.
Do you use both the files attached for EM on the structure ? What is the force field used by you? List all steps clearly starting from topology preparation to EM, step by step.
What warnings / error messages do you find during all these steps?
Did you not receive any warnings or error messages ? Can you provide a link to the .xvg file generated as the output of g_energy as well as the EM mdrun log file.