I have the following problem with statistics (imposed by a journal reviewer). I have to use Benjamini-Hochberg correction for false discovery rate. In our work we tested three separate hypotheses: (1) Bird abundance is dependent on habitat type, (2) bird number is higher in January than in December and (3) there is interaction between habitat type and month. In order to test these hypotheses I built generalized linear models (GLM) where all three hypotheses are tested in one model. However, I have 50 bird species to test these hypotheses on thus I built 50 GLMs. My question is: should I use P-values for calculation of Benjamini-Hochberg correction derived for a specific hypothesis of only (50 p-values for 50 species), or 150 values derived from general linear models for 50 species (3 hypotheses x 50 models)? Personally, I believe I should use 50 values for a specific hypothesis. Moreover, as I mentioned, all three hypotheses are tested in one statistical test.

Any idea or different point of view?

p.s. Let's omit the problem with very high number of tests and power.

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