Having two groups of students you do not need to ask them (exploring their subjective perspectives of the problem). Just compare the results of the two groups and you will have clear answer to your question. The students in both groups must be similar.
In agreement with Mateusz, perhaps a pre test - post test design would be appropriate. I do like the idea of a qualitative perspective as well on learners perceptions of the impact e-learning has had on them. Then compare the responses to the quantitative results. Interesting.
A pre-test and post-test of the two group will give you the idea of what you are looking for. However, the significance of the difference between the mean performance of the two group can be obtained using ANCOVA where the pre-test scores will serve as Covarent
I think you need to consider some other elements of the research process before getting to the questionnaire. What are you researching? Is it cognition? Motivation? Interaction? Self regulation? Are you coming at this from a constructivist perspective? Or with information processing lens? Or as a behaviorist? A good deal of the weakness I see in research manuscripts submitted to our journal (Online Learning) is that too much is assumed before the presentation of the methods. Really these need to flow from an articulated orientation (theoretical or conceptual framework) in order to achieve a cohesive whole. So what aspects of e-learning are you investigating? Where are you coming from in the investigation? It seems to me that we need these answers to provide good advice...
I think that in such cases the most important thing that someone should start of, is by setting a clear goal, something which influences the whole procedure. For example you may not even need a questionaire, cause for your occassion another methodological toll could be more effective. Also, as for the effect on student's performace you should take into consideration that not only the method but a sum of factors can affect the learning outcomes. Therefore you should have a clear view of that and try to eliminate those factors in order the results could be valid and reliable.
Last year we use this questionnaire for English language student we give them at beginning of semester and at end of semester we ask the student to response to questionnaire again and compare the result, and I attached the full question that we use some of the it genral and can you used on many courses or questionnaire