Can anyone provide me the methods of financial and economic quantitative methods (ratios) or (factors) to measure social responsibility or social behavior?
My recommendation would be to start gathering data regarding ESG. There are ESG standards, both present and being developed. I would gather additional information pertaining to best practices for ESG. There are also developments in benchmarked indices for publicly held companies pertaining to ESG. Start with ESG and then you will be able to develop further detail pertaining to each of the three factors in ESG. I look forward to your follow up question further down the road post-ESG. Have a great week ahead. Cheers
It will be a great contribution if you can construct an index for social responsibility using several indicators with different weights. In such this case, you need to go the steps of making an index of qualitative variables. It might be hard at the beginning , but it open the market in front of you
CSR performance data may be derived from Thomson Reuters’ Asset4 dataset. Asset4 is extensively used within the investment community to analyse firm-level performance on environmental, social, and governance matters for listed firms. The data is constructed from publically available primary data, is sourced from the company, and verified for quality and accuracy through extensive use of stock exchange filings, media reports, and other publicly available sources. That noted, you would need to be able to finance a subscription to the data service.
You can construct an index from the Asset4 data by summing the binary (0 or 1) scores associated with each company's responses to the series of questions associated with the aspect of CSR that you are assessing, and then dividing by the total no. of questions related to that area in the Asset4 database. This allows development of an index for each company over time (e.g., 2002 to 2013).
It is not clear to me what you want to use this for, but be carefull about the data-quality - also in the ESG indexes as mentioned by some of the other contributors to this dialogue. The data is often non-comparable - both between companies - but also simply against the same company's financial data, as the ESG data often use other boundaries/scoping and consolidates the data completely different from how the financial data is consolidated (operational vs financial boundaries).
Unhumbly, may I refer you to my book on this topic?
The book also includes a chapter of how one could try to quantify and add up CSR data into something that is useful for investors. Just be aware, that the base data still often is of very bad quality, wherefore your analysis may not be very useful.
Hello, you can use such methods as SROI (Social Return on Investment) or CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). Both of them we should adopt to use in your case. If you would like more information or help in your research please send me private message.